Inclusive Education
A critical view on Italian policies
26,00 €
Starting in the 1970s, the Italian government has passed a set of legislative provisions known as integrazione scolastica. Separate special education classes were abolished and all students were admitted into mainstream schools, regardless of any disability, impairment, or any other personal characteristic or social circumstance. The Italian model seems to be an ideal context for the development of inclusive education when compared to other realities in Europe and in the world, where, in some cases, special schools and/or classes are still the only available options for students with disabilities or impairments. Does such perception correspond to reality?
This book aims to critically analyse and discuss the Italian model of inclusive education from international and intercultural perspectives, as a way to address a crucial theme for educators, school administrators, policymakers, citizens and parents.
Silvia Zanazzi is a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Education at Sapienza University of Rome, and a faculty member at Fondazione IES Abroad, a consortium of US colleges. She has extensive experience in research and teaching of both Italian and international students. She is author of several publications about experiential and lifelong learning, intercultural education, and inclusive education.
Anno: 2018
Pagine: 230
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
Peso: 321 g
Colore: B/N
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Italiano
ISBN cartaceo: 9788833650029
ISBN digitale: 9788833650258
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