Il Geopolitico n. 2
Rivista di analisi geopolitiche e sociologiche
25,00 €
In recent decades, Asian policies have invaded the West. These policies are marked by investments in the economic field of new technologies. Scientific activities are involved in this process. They determine a change in the intervention of States and new measures of measurement with regard to the globalized economy. The relationship between States and economic investments becomes imperative for any kind of geopolitical analysis. In particular, the themes of energy, the environment and the social costs of armaments and new technologies are the test bench for the public policies of the civilized countries involved. The ‘Asian’ way of production thus invests the West. It determines many changes.
During last few years, developed countries have witnessed an increased awareness on the part of public policy-makers and academics of the need to know how firms actually conceive “sustainability”: which aspects (economic, financial, social, cultural, reputational, etc.) they take into account when deciding about benefits and costs related to a sustainable behavior, and when defining, implementing and communicating sustainable-oriented strategies focused on reducing energy and resources consumption, minimizing waste generation etc. Next years the true challenge for firms and their managers will be linking efficiency and effectiveness to viable sustainability. For these reasons, corporate aims and managerial decision-making processes should not be ignored. We can say that many requirements of corporate policies of the last years are contained in the Asian experience. This affects the European world and provides costs and benefits for the world economy. There are problems of studying the democratic structures of the countries and incentives to geopolitics.
Anno: 2019
Pagine: 56
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
Peso: 78 g
Colore: B/N
Copertina: Morbida
Legatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN: 9788833651934
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